Tuesday, January 13, 2015

HCG Booster Shot and 9 DPIUI Update

This past Friday I went into my RE for an HCG booster shot. They used whatever was left from my trigger shot. I had an ultrasound first to make sure I didn't have too many follicles or anything that the HCG would hinder. I was studying the screen intently trying to see if I could see anything in there.

Both the ultrasound tech and my RE told me repeatedly that it was way too early to tell by ultrasound and blood work. BOO! A girl can hope though right??

So I got the OK to get the shot. Another shot right in the butt and Tom and I were out of there.

I did ask the RE prior to getting the shot, when I would be able to test. She told me the shot typically takes 8 days to get out of people's systems so my official test date is Saturday, January 17, 2015. That is officially 14 days past my first IUI and 13 days past the second IUI.

I am proud to say that I have not peed on a stick this entire cycle. Some people may think that is no big deal but for me, it is a huge accomplishment!! Actually, I lied, the day I got the IUI I took a test just to see those 2 pink lines. I came down the steps yelling "Tom, look it worked!! The IUI worked super fast!!!" He knew I was kidding since I literally had just done the IUI 2 hours prior to that but it was still funny. Tom even said, "Oh so that's where the second line is supposed to be! Now I know where to look." I would always have Tom play the 'analyze the pee stick' game with me to see if he saw the slightest hint of a second line. This test taught me that where there is HCG in your system, you will know. There will be no need to squint!

Anyways, I am 9DPIUI today and am feeling 100% normal. Only things of note are yesterday and today I have been dealing with a slight headache. This kind of makes me nervous because I always get headaches before AF arrives. So I hope it is not an indicator that she is on her way. Over the weekend I had lower back pain. Another AF indicator. I also have not been sleeping well at night. Tossing and turning, can't get comfortable. This all may or may not be related to anything. Just things I thought I would note in case I ever needed to refer back.

So for now I am just hanging out, waiting until Saturday....trying to keep myself busy! I know as Saturday approaches I will become more anxious but there is nothing I can do at this point. If the IUI worked or didn't work, it has already been decided. Can't change the outcome. Just need to breathe and let it be.

Happy Tuesday :)

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