Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Going Crazy 12DPIUI & Weekend Recap!

So today is 12DPIUI. I am beginning to go crazy. I was doing very well up until this point. The closer it gets to finding out if it worked or not, the crazier I get. Go figure.

This past weekend, we drove to visit my Pop-Pop down the shore. He was thrilled that he had visitors. He drove us around his neighborhood and took us out to his favorite local restaurant. We also spent a good deal of time looking at old pictures. It is amazing how many pictures my Grand mom took of the kids. And she had 6 of them! I know pictures are so common in this day and age where all you need is your phone to capture a picture. But think about it. Back in the 60s & 70s it wasn't as simple. She saved their report cards, their First Holy Communion Cards, and managed to capture their entire childhood. It was really cool to look at pictures of my Dad when he was young.

Here are some photos:

My Dad when he was just a baby! So Cute! 
My Dad - Prob around 5th or 6th Grade

My Dad & Grandmom - High School Graduation

My Dad when he graduate boot camp in the Navy

After he graduated, they went to Disney World. This is my Dad driving the Monorail! They said as soon as they learned Disney didn't have any alcohol, they left LOL 

My Mom, My Great Aunt Margaret, and my Mom-Mom at my Dad's Boot Camp Graduation Party

I am so glad I was able to get copies of these pictures. This is something that I will love having one day when I am older.

On Sunday we got our taxes done. Boy being married really bites when it comes time to file your taxes. I mean the good thing is we don't owe any money but because we made a decent amount in 2014, we were put into the next tax bracket and are only getting a little bit back. The guy who did our taxes recommended that we have a kid! HA! If you only knew!! Turns out, we couldn't deduct any of our fertility costs because it didn't add up to 10% of our total income. Bummer. We would have had to spent around $11,000 to be able to write our infertility expenses off. I think we were only around $4,000.00 for 2014. Seems like so much more though. Oh well.

So I began testing out my trigger on Monday. Today is Wednesday. I am still getting positives on the internet cheapie tests. I am not sure what to think. Here is a progression picture. The top is Monday and the bottom is today. Thoughts? Is the line getting darker or lighter? I can't tell. My gut tells me it is getting darker but I don't know.

I called the RE this morning. I asked when can I officially test. The receptionist put me on hold to ask the nurse. She came back and said that I could test two weeks after the IUI. I said "Well I had two IUIs back to back so which one counts?" (Everything needs to be very specific for me). She said two weeks after the last one. So that puts me at Friday, February 13. Ugh, two more days! I woke up with a pimple on my chin this morning. Ugh, please don't let that mean AF is on her way. I do not have my usual headache or backache. Taking it as a good sign. My boobs hurt randomly and get twinges and almost burning sensations in them at random times? Idk, my body is whack! I am feeling all kinds of twinges and things in my ovaries area but again, my body is whack so this could all mean nothing. So currently, I am going crazy. So yeah, that's about all for now! Happy Hump Day!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Still waiting...7DPIUI

This TWW is maybe the longest ever!! I am only a week in! UGGGHH!!

So I am kind of hopeful this time. Last time I just had a feeling it didn't work but this time I kind of have a feeling that it will? Is that bad to say? Am I jinxing myself? Maybe.
Does it really matter at this point though? I have done it both ways.....been negative the whole time and when I get a BFN I am devastated. I have been positive the whole time before also and when I get a BFN I am devastated. No matter what, I am always devastated. I feel twinges and cramping and I am not sure if I have felt that before or not. I am taking it as a good sign!

This weekend we are taking a trip down the shore (such a PA/NJ thing to say) to visit my Pop-Pop. He lives down there permanently. His health has been declining and we haven't seen him in a while. Sunday we are getting our taxes done. Monday I can start testing out my trigger. EEK!

I have 3 baby showers coming up. I love buying and looking at baby stuff. I am literally obsessed with all of it. I can't wait to register and start decorating a nursery and make sure my baby has everything he/she needs and probably lots of stuff he/she doesn't need! I cannot wait to be a mommy one day. I promise I will be a good one.

Please let it be my turn.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Waiting.....Groundhog day

I know, I know, yesterday was ground hog day not today!! But honestly, I truly feel that each month is ground hog day for me. Same thing, different month! I need a change! I need a baby!

So I am about 5DPO today. I am never really sure what to go by since they give me the trigger shot and then I have two back to back IUIs. I went in this morning for my HCG booster shot. They took a look inside and said the right ovary was larger than the left but that it was nothing serious.
Ok if you say so!

So now I just wait. And hope. And pray. And wait.

They told me I could test in eight days which would be February 11, 2015. 1 week from today.
I expressed my concerns that last time they told me I could test, the test was showing up positive 8 days after the booster and again 9 days after the booster. Ten days after the booster I woke up with AF so I didn't even bother to test. The RE said it was possible that I had a chemical but there was really no way to know unless they did blood work on my the the eighth day after the booster. They didn't do blood because it fell on a weekend and the office is closed.  My RE said I could start testing out the booster at six days past the booster. I will definitely do this because I want to be sure that it is the booster or it isn't the booster.

So anyways, that is all that is really going on in my life. This cycle flew by and now it is dragging. I am pretty sure that is the norm though for most TTC ladies. The one weird part is that today is only CD17 for me. And I am already 5DPO. The cycles are getting faster and faster thanks to the injections.

We are going to get our taxes done this weekend and we are going to find out if we can write off some of these medical expenses.

I will do another post outlining our fertility expenses in 2014 soon!

For now cross your fingers, toes, and eyeballs. Say a prayer. Make a wish. Please hope that this works for us this time! I had a dream last night that there was a fetus inside of me. Not a baby, but a fetus. This was the first time I have ever dreamed that before during the TWW - maybe a good sign??? I will take anything I can get as a good sign!! We will see!