I know that I have introduced my five amazing ladies, but realized you have yet to met the the five hunk-o-licious men that will be standing next to Mr. Lemon when he marries his amazingly beautiful and intelligent bride (me). After Mr. Lemon and I got engaged, we knew almost immediately who we would be asking to be a part of our special day. My sister and BFF Ali were there the night we got engaged and I asked them right away. I had seen so many cute ways to ask someone to be in your wedding but I had jumped the gun again (you will find I do this a lot). By the next day, all of bridesmaids had been asked. Hey, what can I say, I am impulsive! Mr. Lemon knew who he wanted to ask but wanted to ask them each individually. He called each of them and asked them. They all graciously agreed and they decided to meet for drinks to celebrate. I find that men will find any reason to meet for drinks and celebrate.
Boys Men will be
boys men. So here are they are (no drooling please):
First Up: Best Man Bernie
Best Man Bernie and Mr. Lemon at my 21st Birthday - January 2007 |
Bernie is Mr. Lemon's cousin and best friend. They grew up a few blocks from each other and were both surrounded by sisters. They went to the same school and played on the same sports teams. Although, Bernie is slightly older than Mr. Lemon, they have remained best friends since childhood. Bernie was one of the first extended family members Mr. Lemon introduced me too. He is very tall and very funny. He has always had Mr. Lemon's back and I know he will make the perfect best man.
Me, Mr. Lemon, and Bernie back in the day |
Next: Mr. Lemon's BFF Bill aka Rubber
First I will explain Bill's nickname. All of his friends call him Rubber. His last name sounds very close to a type of contraception also known as a Rubber. Don't ask. Mr. Lemon met Rubber in high school. Rubber was the class President. He is very social and has such a kind heart. He will make small talk with anyone. He loves animals and has a black lab named Dude. Another lab lover? Yes please!
Third: Mr. Lemon's BFF Edmund aka Mund
Mr. Lemon also met Edmund in high school. Edmund has the most insane laugh anyone has ever heard. Think asthma attack. He inhales instead of exhales and it is absolutely hilarious. You can recognize this laugh anywhere. Mr. Lemon knew immediately that Mund was going to be a groomsman. I think Mund was most excited about being in a wedding. He had never been in a wedding before and was asking all kinds of questions regarding tuxes and colors. I loved his enthusiasm.
Next: Mr. Lemons future Brother in Law Bill
GM Bill and Mr. Lemon (& Bill's dog Ginger) on vacation in the Outer Banks, NC - August 2012 |
We met Bill when future SIL Stacey brought him home to meet the family. He made a lasting impression on the Lemon's and we love him for his dead honesty. Bill will not hold back and will tell you exactly what he is thinking. Over the years, Mr. Lemon and Bill have grown very close. They love to talk football and drink some beers. Mr. Lemon was in Bill's wedding and Mr. Lemon knew he wanted Bill to stand up with him at his own wedding.
Lastly: Mr. Lemons other future Brother in Law Frank
Frank is married to Mr. Lemon's sister Kelly (also a BM). Frank is a fireball. He has a mouth like a sailor and you can literally go deaf if you’re standing next to him when he is talking. He is
sooo loud. Frank is very funny and is always making jokes about people. He is a good sport though and can handle it when he is the butt of everyone else's jokes. Mr. Lemon and Frank have grown close over the years and enjoy talking about their love of hunting and the outdoors. Mr. Lemon was also one of Frank's groomsmen at his wedding so he knew he wanted him to be apart of our wedding as well.
So there you have it everyone. The five men that will be standing next to Mr. Lemon on April 20, 2013. Now you have met
almost the entire wedding party. Still to come: the ringbearers and flower girl!