I don't know about you, but I think Pinterest and Etsy are the best things out there since The Snuggie was invented. Gotta admit, that idea was genius!
I feel sorry for those brides that had to plan a wedding before Pinterest and Etsy were around. How ever did they have a wedding?? I am kidding, I am sure many of the ideas on Pinterest and Etsy have been around for a while but it is such a great place to get ideas! Like the Meet the Maids table. How adorable?
I saw these on Pinterest and thought they were just the cutest! What a nice way to introduce your wedding party to your guests. You can even have this on display at a shower. It is just a nice touch to show your ladies that they are more than just a maid. You can post a little blurb about how you met or why you choose them to be in your wedding party. Just presh!
Without further ado, I would like to introduce my Maids! I choose 5 women to stand beside me on the day I marry my best friend. All 5 of these women have a role in my life with Mr. Lemon and are very special to us. I couldn't imagine any other 5 ladies standing next to me that day. Plus they are all super gorgeous and who doesn't love a good looking wedding party?
First up my Maid of Honor - My younger but much smarter than me sister Jenn (I like to call her Jenny because she hates it - it's so cute though right???)

Jenn and I are 3 years apart. Jenn is my best friend. She has a brain that holds tons of knowledge, most of it useless, but some of it useful. I am not kidding she is a freaking Guinness Book of World Records. She knows the craziest stuff. She has a great sense of style and has no time for generic brands. She signs her cards like a doctor. She is obsessed with Harry Potter. She is destined for greatness (just ask her...kidding! Don’t let anyone tell you differently). She is hilarious and so beautiful. I am so glad that she will be standing directly next to me on my wedding day. I wouldn't want anyone else fixing my train because I am not sure anyone else would be as OCD as she would (thanks in advanced Jenny). I love you to the moon and back little sister and my best friend Thanks for keeping it real and for putting up with me.
Next Up: My BFF Ali

Ali and I have been best friends since 7th grade. I first met Ali when we were about 7 years old. We were on the sports team and I remember leaning on the chain link fence next to her saying, "Man, it's sooooo hot!" and Ali said, "Yeah it is. Well I have an in ground pool but you can't come swimming in it." I was crushed! Little did I know a few years later we could become best friends. Since then summer we have been inseparable. We went to high school together and graduated in 2004. We now work together at the same bank and we love it. Who else gets to work with their best friend everyday?? I DO! Ali has an outrageous sense of humor and she will say whatever is on her mind. I love her for that. She is beautiful inside and out. I am the Mary and you're the Rhoda. Love you Winnie (inside joke from Hocus Pocus).
Now I will introduce my future sister in law Stacey:
Over the years, Stacey and I have grown extremely close. We have very similar personalities in that we are both very sensitive and want to please everybody. This is a double edge sword and we are both learning this as we go. Stacey and her husband Bill have given Mr. Lemon and me three adorable nephews. Caden, Rylan and Noah. These three boys are the cutest boys on the planet (no kidding). Stacey is an amazing mother to these boys even when they drive her up the wall. She is so patient and I hope I can one day be a Mother just like she is. I love our wine nights and our phone conversations. It is so nice to have someone to relate to. Stacey is my best friend and I am so glad that I will be able to call her my sister one day. Thank you for being you! I love you!
Noah, Caden, and Rylan |
Here is the fourth of my maids, future sister in law Kelly:
Kelly is Mr. Lemon's oldest sister. Kelly and her husband Frank gave Mr. Lemon and I our first and only niece. Little miss Devin is a beautiful and feisty little girl. She cracks me up. She is just like her Mommy! Kelly is an excellent mother. Kelly has this laugh that is recognizable across the room. Kelly loves to cook and is always inviting the family over for dinner (we never miss those nights). She is totally in her element when she has her house full of her family and is feeding the hungry beggars (Mr. Lemon and I). Thanks for feeding us all those delicious meals all the time (keep the invites coming), so I don't have to cook! I can't wait to call Kelly my sister. She is truly one of a kind and she makes me laugh. I love you!
Devin |
Finally but certainly not last...my little Jeanene!
Jeanene is also my childhood BFF. We became besties in high school. Jeanene is the most generous person I know. She will literally give you the shirt off her back, literally. She has the biggest heart and I love her for that. She lives in New York City. I am so happy for how far she has come and only hope she continues going up. The sky's the limit! Jeanene I love you and thank you for being such a positive influence in my life. I hope to one day have a heart half as big as yours. I love you.
These my friends, are the most amazing 5 women you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. I cannot imagine my life without any of them. Thank you for being there with me through it all. Thank you for agreeing to stand up with me on the biggest day of my life. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love each of you in more ways than you will ever know. You are my family forever.
I have 5 |